Author Topic: Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador  (Read 25358 times)

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Offline Victoria33

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Just because its so much fun watching Lucy and Ethel try to handle and endless stream of candy that is coming faster and faster.
Trump ADMITS sharing intelligence with Russian officials 'which I have the absolute right to do', contradicting White House officials who said claims he slipped classified ISIS secrets were FALSE

A few Russian press people were in the room when he shared that intelligence.  No American press were allowed.  So, my guess is the Russian press people leaked it. 

Offline FreeReign

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Exactly WHAT SOURCE?! ................

This article is the BIGGEST bucket of horse manure I've ever read and I ONLY got half way through it!  Why do critical readers not critically think and digest what it is they are reading and I'm not a 100% Trump fan either. I support misty of his policies but not all.

And yet we have a few so-called conservatives hyperventilating over unnamed sources from Big Global Anti American Media.


Offline Cripplecreek

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A few Russian press people were in the room when he shared that intelligence.  No American press were allowed.  So, my guess is the Russian press people leaked it. 

Its kinda funny watching Trumpers trying to come up with a conspiracy theory about Obama having the White House bugged just days after Trump invited the KGB into the oval office.

Offline Jarhead

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Its kinda funny watching Trumpers trying to come up with a conspiracy theory about Obama having the White House bugged just days after Trump invited the KGB into the oval office.

Really? Who exactly? KGB? Who was the undercover KGB agent that Trump knew the identity of and just so happened to invite into the White House. Look I'm no Trump cheerleader but this sniping garbage has got to stop. You sound no different than the banana republic liberals and pravada media.

Offline andy58-in-nh

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Funny.... but I view that graphic a bit differently.   I see it as more exemplifying how the Trump-haters are only too eager .... or even desperate.... to gobble down as many items of 'crap' news as they are being fed by the radical left these days....(as long as it bashes Trump, that's all that matters).   

Perhaps, at least subconsciously, you guys see it too.... :silly:
Ignoring Trump's obvious flaws will not make him a better President.

Not everything he does is wonderful, and not everything the media says about him is a lie.

Conservatives should not abandon critical thinking because they are angry at the obvious and galling bias of the media.

The fact that this White House leaks like a kitchen colander is not the fault of the news media. It is the product of poor organization, poor personnel decisions, and poor leadership.   

Pretending that Trump's problems are all imaginary or made-up is not going to help him, or America.   
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Offline Jarhead

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Its kinda funny watching Trumpers trying to come up with a conspiracy theory about Obama having the White House bugged just days after Trump invited the KGB into the oval office.

Did you read the article? What intelligence was shared? Because the WAPO report actually cites numerous present and former "US officials"

Former US official could be Susan Rice and present could be Democrat members on the intel committee leaking nonsense. I didn't catch the part in the article that points to unnamed Russian media officials.

This is laughable

Offline DiogenesLamp

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Are there different version of the WAPO story?  The one I read (which is link at the top of this thread), said:

Trump went on to discuss aspects of the threat that the United States learned only through the espionage capabilities of a key partner. He did not reveal the specific intelligence-gathering method, but he described how the Islamic State was pursuing elements of a specific plot and how much harm such an attack could cause under varying circumstances. Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat.

Go to the beginning of this thread.   It is close enough in implication to what I said,  and this implication has of course been echoed endlessly in the rest of the Liberal Stream Media. 

Without their implied claim of compromising intelligence assets,   this is a big nothing.   This is a non-story.   

Without that specific part,  this story is dead.   It's not  pinin'! 'It's passed on! This story is no more! It has ceased to be! 'It's expired and gone to meet 'its maker!

'It's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'It rests in peace! If the Media hadn't nailed 'it to the perch 'it'd be pushing up the daisies!

'Its metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'It's off the twig!
'It's kicked the bucket, 'It's shuffled off 'its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!!


i.e.   #FakeNews.   

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline Frank Cannon

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Really? Who exactly? KGB? Who was the undercover KGB agent that Trump knew the identity of and just so happened to invite into the White House. Look I'm no Trump cheerleader but this sniping garbage has got to stop. You sound no different than the banana republic liberals and pravada media.

That's because he is a banana Republican.

Offline Jarhead

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Ignoring Trump's obvious flaws will not make him a better President.

Not everything he does is wonderful, and not everything the media says about him is a lie.

Conservatives should not abandon critical thinking because they are angry at the obvious and galling bias of the media.

The fact that this White House leaks like a kitchen colander is not the fault of the news media. It is the product of poor organization, poor personnel decisions, and poor leadership.   

Pretending that Trump's problems are all imaginary or made-up is not going to help him, or America.   

I don't think his White House leaks anything. I firmly believe it is Democrat operatives in the intelligence community, Democrat members on the senate intel committee illegally leaking and mostly leaking false stories to the media creating the appearance of a completely out of control executive. They will do this from now all the way through his first term. The funny thing is that it is so obvious what is occurring that even when in plain view we have defenders of so called media and leakers leaking false information.

Quite simply there is an undercurrent still pissed about the election that will go through every iteration of fake scandal to overthrow Trump

Offline FreeReign

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The fact that this White House leaks like a kitchen colander is not the fault of the news media.   

It's a "fact" that the WH leaks?? Most leaks that I've seen never prove to be true.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2017, 03:21:30 pm by FreeReign »

Offline DiogenesLamp

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The fact that this White House leaks like a kitchen colander is not the fault of the news media. It is the product of poor organization, poor personnel decisions, and poor leadership.   

It is the product of the FedGov being filled up to the Brim with Democrats who love government and hate Republicans,   and who have yet to be fired from their cushy sinecures. 

It is the product of a City dedicated to the furtherance of Government and Government control on the populace. 

It is the product of a media system that makes all efforts to solicit information that is damaging to any effort to restrain the growth of government.   

It is the product of any number of factors,  the least of which is Donald Trump's management. 

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline DiogenesLamp

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I don't think his White House leaks anything. I firmly believe it is Democrat operatives in the intelligence community, Democrat members on the senate intel committee illegally leaking and mostly leaking false stories to the media creating the appearance of a completely out of control executive. They will do this from now all the way through his first term. The funny thing is that it is so obvious what is occurring that even when in plain view we have defenders of so called media and leakers leaking false information.

Quite simply there is an undercurrent still pissed about the election that will go through every iteration of fake scandal to overthrow Trump

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Ignoring Trump's obvious flaws will not make him a better President.

Not everything he does is wonderful, and not everything the media says about him is a lie.

Conservatives should not abandon critical thinking because they are angry at the obvious and galling bias of the media.

The fact that this White House leaks like a kitchen colander is not the fault of the news media. It is the product of poor organization, poor personnel decisions, and poor leadership.   

Pretending that Trump's problems are all imaginary or made-up is not going to help him, or America.   

Offline Cripplecreek

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Pretending that Trump's problems are all imaginary or made-up is not going to help him, or America.   

Like Michael Jackson the yes men will be his downfall. Things will continue to get worse because the yes men will continue to tell Trump that all is well as the house burns to the ground around him.

Sadly those enabling him were the same people who said they would hold his feet to the fire. If they said they would hold his feet to the fire they must have known he was a problem then. They were either lying then or they're lying now.

Offline XenaLee

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Ignoring Trump's obvious flaws will not make him a better President.

Not everything he does is wonderful, and not everything the media says about him is a lie.

Conservatives should not abandon critical thinking because they are angry at the obvious and galling bias of the media.

The fact that this White House leaks like a kitchen colander is not the fault of the news media. It is the product of poor organization, poor personnel decisions, and poor leadership.   

Pretending that Trump's problems are all imaginary or made-up is not going to help him, or America.   

Problem is.... I'm not seeing any evidence of said "critical thinking" coming from a few of the anti-Trump members here when it comes to vetting these ""news"" stories before jumping and humping all over them in glee, just to bash Trump. 
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline Jarhead

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Like Michael Jackson the yes men will be his downfall. Things will continue to get worse because the yes men will continue to tell Trump that all is well as the house burns to the ground around him.

Sadly those enabling him were the same people who said they would hold his feet to the fire. If they said they would hold his feet to the fire they must have known he was a problem then. They were either lying then or they're lying now.

Who are the yes men? Who is enabling him? What is exactly the scandal? What has criminally been done? I have an anonymous source who told me a senior official told a former senior official that Trump is a KGB operative. Now don't ask me to reveal my source it's just true and you have to believe me because well my source said so. Oh and the source also told me that 100% of the information in the dossier was true.

See how that works? I said it so it must be true

Offline Jarhead

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Problem is.... I'm not seeing any evidence of said "critical thinking" coming from a few of the anti-Trump members here when it comes to vetting these ""news"" stories before jumping and humping all over them in glee, just to bash Trump.
That is the difference between liberals and conservatives. Liberals circle the wagons around their own and go on full scale assault.

We conservatives jump into a corner and eat our own. We also are starting to believe anything fed to us as true or dare I say we're never conservative at all?

Offline Idaho_Cowboy

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So I'm going to ask the obvious question if anyone actually CRITICALLY reads any of the absolute garbage word for word his rag publishes? And when I say word for word I mean critically think of every word chosen. Here's a start and this didn't take me long to grab these snippets and I only got half way through the article.

"according to current and former U.S. officials"

"officials said."

"provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement"

"The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia"

"officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally"

"senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage"

"This is code-word information,” said a U.S. official familiar with the matter"

"It was during that meeting, officials said, that Trump went off script"

"McMaster reiterated his statement in a subsequent appearance at the White House on Monday and described the Washington Post story as “false,” but did not take any questions"

"It is all kind of shocking,” said a former senior U.S. official who is close to current administration officials"

The above is the most absolute clap trap garbage dumpster fire reporting I've ever seen. The thing is read all their articles and they ARE ALL THE SAME.  Officials = democrat members of Congress. Partner = UN named ally whose leader hates Trump but probably made up. It then takes reading half way through the article until they input a quote from the White Hiuse calling this story false. Yet for anyone not critically reading past the headlines one would believe Trump has broken the law or Trump and his government are completely corrupt. And let's not forget the evil Russians are involved too.

When are folks going to wake the hell up that we have a media and a Congress hell bent on destroying and invalidating a duly elected president with innuendo? Nothing and I mean NOTHING has been proven to date whatsoever yet we are to fear this big boogeyman with what evidence!?  I'm not the biggest fan of some of the President's oolicies but won't allow banana republic tactics to win the day in my common sense.
The only code in what the media is reporting is that the whole thing is code for slow news day attempt to slander the Trump administration.

I turned on the nightly news yesterday (we don't get a Monday paper and I needed a weather updated) and they lead with this story and admitted during the course of the report that they didn't know if it really happened, or if it did if it would be wrong. But they know Trump may be impeached for it and that it will drive the discussion going forward. Translation: My boss made this up and we are going to talk about it all week to boost ratings. It was laughable.

I think the whole thing could be a "you guys do it too" excuse if Hilary and Friends ever get investigated further.
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

Offline XenaLee

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That is the difference between liberals and conservatives. Liberals circle the wagons around their own and go on full scale assault.

We conservatives jump into a corner and eat our own. We also are starting to believe anything fed to us as true or dare I say we're never conservative at all?

I have definitely wondered if a few here really are conservatives.... as they claim to be.  As for "conservatives eating our own", that's only because truth is what really matters and what trumps all to us..... vs. party and agenda. 
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline Victoria33

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Its kinda funny watching Trumpers trying to come up with a conspiracy theory about Obama having the White House bugged just days after Trump invited the KGB into the oval office.

I have to teach English to a Spanish Priest today - when I get back from that, I will write you and a few others, a private message about what Bob, who worked at the Pentagon with secret stuff, says about the protocol in place for intelligence and the Trump meeting with the Russians. 

Offline Jarhead

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The only code in what the media is reporting is that the whole thing is code for slow news day attempt to slander the Trump administration.

I turned on the nightly news yesterday (we don't get a Monday paper and I needed a weather updated) and they lead with this story and admitted during the course of the report that they didn't know if it really happened, or if it did if it would be wrong. But they know Trump may be impeached for it and that it will drive the discussion going forward. Translation: My boss made this up and we are going to talk about it all week to boost ratings. It was laughable.

I think the whole thing could be a "you guys do it too" excuse if Hilary and Friends ever get investigated further.

And with that my friend you hit the nail SQUARLEY on its head! This is ALL being driven by liberals and the longer they drag this on guess what isn't getting done? Investigations into Hillary who ACTUALLY performed criminal acts on this nation. What also isn't getting done is Trumps agenda that we voted for! Yet member on this site still want to drag this dead horse along because it is those members who want to say I told you so when he is unable to execute his agenda.

Instead of calling this for what it is and praying to see the investigation of Hillary and Obama and Rice reopened they'd rather see our President taken down. Hell I was even a Cruz supporter, still am and can even see what is happening
« Last Edit: May 16, 2017, 03:32:01 pm by Jarhead »

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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And yet we have a few so-called conservatives hyperventilating over unnamed sources from Big Global Anti American Media.


 :thumbsup2:    Mega dittos! @FreeReign

Offline txradioguy

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:thumbsup2:    Mega dittos! @FreeReign

So what does it say about those allegedly fake news agencies when your Orange Idol sends out tweets confirming what they were reporting?

Is there even a twinge of embarrassment from you?
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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That is the difference between liberals and conservatives. Liberals circle the wagons around their own and go on full scale assault.

We conservatives jump into a corner and eat our own. We also are starting to believe anything fed to us as true or dare I say we're never conservative at all?

Yup!    Liberals understand tribal warfare.  Conservatives do not.


Offline Jarhead

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So what does it say about those allegedly fake news agencies when your Orange Idol sends out tweets confirming what they were reporting?

Is there even a twinge of embarrassment from you?

Your language uncovers you for what you are and is a dead giveaway! Orange idol? Am I a tea bagger to you as well? Cmon say it, call me a tea bagger I know you want to. Reveal yourself don't hide