Author Topic: The amazing Marianne, another mind-reading judge (Rene Boucher)  (Read 301 times)

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American Thinker
Deborah C.Tyler
July 14, 2018

Another federal employee, Special Judge Marianne Battani, has brought her amazing powers of mind-reading to bear upon her ruling in an important federal case.  Judge Battani recently sentenced Dr. Rene Boucher to a mere 30 days for the federal crime of committing a serious, injurious assault upon a sitting U.S. senator.  The judge's wrist-slapping is in defiance of 18 U.S. Code 351, which provides for imprisonment of up to ten years for an assault upon a congressman that results in personal injury.  Barring the defense of psychotic mental illness, which was never raised in this case, the offender's attitudes are completely irrelevant in the application of this law.  The special protections are granted to the highest levels of the executive branch and to congressmen wholly and solely due to the fact of their high office.  The special seriousness of the offense arises from the status of the victim, regardless of the attitudes of the perpetrator.

The federal prosecutors and the injured senator both requested a sentence of 21 months in recognition of the harm to the nation at large when high elected officials are attacked.  Judge Battani justified her trivializing sentencing by saying she saw no evidence that the attack was political in nature.  Addressing the perpetrator, she said, "This court does not believe you did this because of Senator Paul's political positions or political work."


Dr. Deborah C.Tyler, clinical psychologist.