Author Topic: There are only 13 actual vitamins, and you’ll die without them  (Read 312 times)

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There are only 13 actual vitamins, and you’ll die without them

But do you need supplements?
By Sara Chodosh Yesterday at 8:00am

Here’s the confusing thing about vitamins: your life literally depends on them—but that doesn’t mean you need to take them. The best scientific evidence to date says you probably don’t need vitamins in pill form.

A recent systematic analysis of studies, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology came to that conclusion. So have multiple Cochrane reviews, which examine all the available evidence for and against vitamin supplements. So did this 2002 meta-analysis in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which investigated whether vitamins help prevent disease—they did not, except for patients who were deficient in certain areas.