Author Topic: A Few Notes on Donald Trump’s Terrible Tuesday  (Read 298 times)

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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A Few Notes on Donald Trump’s Terrible Tuesday
« on: August 25, 2018, 01:34:09 pm »
A Few Notes on Donald Trump’s Terrible Tuesday
About life in our police state.
American Spectator, Aug 23, 2018, Ben Stein

First: Do not — repeat not — trust your lawyers. My hero, RN, was done in largely by his awful lawyer, John Wesley Dean.  Despite the fidelity lawyers are supposed to feel towards their clients, John Dean betrayed Nixon, the Peacemaker, horribly. Now Mr. Trump is under attack from his own awful lawyer, Mr. Cohen.

To me, his allegations are fraudulent. It’s just some zealous prosecutors and a judge who believe paying off a mistress is a federal case. Mr. Trump had plenty of good reasons to pay off his girls besides trying to corrupt an election. He’s a married man. He didn’t want his wife to know. Surely that’s not a federal crime.

Next, here’s an idea. Let’s have a special prosecutor with unlimited powers and limitless budget go after Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. The official could go back decades in his scrutiny. Let’s have him go after the top dogs at the New York Times and MSNBC too. Do you think they might find anything? Let’s have neighborhood special prosecutors to root out anti party wreckers and saboteurs. Let’s just turn to the law of the Jungle. Why not. It worked for Stalin. Why not for today’s America?


I only met Trump once thirty years ago. I wrote a piece for Barron’s accusing him of bond fraud. He called me to tell me he was going to sue me. He didn’t, but I sure didn’t like him. Now I do and I have a message for those who give their days up to hating him. Get off his back and let him work on what really counts. Peace. Law. And Prosperity.
